The requirements for becoming a blockchain developer

The development of decentralized technology has experienced some fascinating times over the last ten years.

Since then, the blockchain has revolutionized a number of ideas that we previously took for granted, including managing shipping systems, creating digital identities, tracking jewelry, and monitoring supply chains.

The freelance website Upwork also published a survey revealing that, out of more than 5,000 skills included in its index, blockchain was one of the ones with the fastest growing demand.

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These are the requirements for becoming a blockchain developer.

1. Technical fundamentals

Data structures

Blockchain's intricacy necessitates a thorough knowledge of data structures.

A distributed ledger is fundamentally similar to a network of replicated databases, with the exception that it stores data in blocks rather than tables.

Each time a block is added, the blocks are also cryptographically protected to guarantee their integrity.


Blockchain is built on cryptography, which also powers all cryptocurrencies.

Public-key cryptography is used on the Bitcoin blockchain to generate digital signatures and hash functions.

Networking and distributed systems

Establish a solid understanding of the operation of distributed ledgers.

Additionally, have a solid understanding of peer-to-peer networks, including routing, networking topologies, and other related concepts.

Blockchain uses the processing power of networked computers.

2. Cryptonomics

Despite the fact that there are no central banks for cryptocurrencies to regulate the money supply or keep crypto companies in check, it is crucial to comprehend the economic structures that surround them.

You must be familiar with game theory, the ideal mathematical framework for simulating situations in which there are conflicts of interest between the parties.

3. Smart contracts

A smart contract is a piece of software that, after a transaction is complete, runs on the blockchain to improve its functionality.

You must be aware of every scenario in which a smart contract might be carried out to make sure it performs as intended.

4. Decentralized applications

Blockchains are used to build decentralized applications (DApps), which are programs.

You can create a DApp on a number of platforms as a blockchain developer. Here are a few examples:


The idea behind Ethereum came from Vitalik Buterin.

It became operational in 2015 and is among the most widely used development platforms.

It has its own language, Solidity, which is comparable to JavaScript and C++.

If you have any prior expertise with either, you'll be able to learn it quickly.

Solidity is distinctive in that it is focused on smart contracts.


NEO was started in 2014 by Erik Zhang and Da Hongfei under the name Antshares.

In 2017, it changed to NEO.

C# and Java are just two of the programming languages that can be used to create DApps on NEO.


The EOS blockchain aspires to be a decentralized operating system capable of supporting applications on an industrial scale.

Similar to Ethereum in many ways, but with quicker transaction times and greater scalability.


An open source collaborative platform called Hyperledger was developed to produce cross-industry blockchain solutions.

Hyperledger is a platform for open industrial blockchain development that is hosted by the Linux Foundation.

5. Types of blockchain development

Backend developers

In this instance, the developer is in charge of:

  • designing and creating APIs for integrating blockchain technology.

  • performing deployment and performance testing

  • gathering requirements and developing software alongside other developers and designers

  • Giving technical assistance


This group includes blockchain project managers and developers.

Their primary responsibilities are:

  • the creation and upkeep of decentralized apps

  • Project management and planning for blockchain

  • providing guidance to businesses on initial coin offerings (ICOs)

  • Recognizing business needs and developing apps to meet those needs

  • Project managers who arrange employee training

Smart-contract engineers

An understanding of a smart-contract language, such as Solidity, Python, or Go, is necessary for this kind of developer.

Their primary responsibilities are:

  • building smart contracts and conducting audits

  • interacting with clients and clients

  • Understanding business processes and security will help to ensure that smart contracts are secure.

  • conducting end-to-end testing of business processes

Ok guys. Those are the requirements for becoming a blockchain developer

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